1885-1889 |
Oxen, 1885
Oil on canvas, 47 x 59cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
У окна, 1886
Oil on canvas, 74.5 x 57 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Girl with Peaches, 1887
Oil on canvas, 91 x 85 cm
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Девушка, освещенная солнцем. Портрет М.Я.Симонович, 1888
Oil on canvas, 89.2 x 71.3 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Заросший пруд. Домотканово, 1888
Oil on canvas, 72 x 90.5 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Old bath in Domotkanovo
, 1888
Oil on canvas, 76.5 x 60.8cm |
The State Russian Museum |
1890-1894 |
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Портрет Анджело Мазини (1845-1926), 1890
Oil on canvas, 89.5 x 70.8 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет художника К.А.Коровина, 1890 Oil on canvas, 112 x 89.7 |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
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Портрет певца Франческо Таманьо (1851-1905), 1893
Oil on canvas, 79.5 x 70 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Tatar village in Crimea, 1893
Oil on canvas, 57 x 57cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Tatar river. Crimea, 1893
Oil on canvas, 54 x 71cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет художника И.И.Левитана, 1894
Oil on canvas, 81.7 x 85.4 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
1895-1899 |
Осенний вечер. Домотканово, 1895
Oil on canvas, 56.7 x 72 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Летом, 1898
Oil on canvas, 74 x 94 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
S. M. Botkina,1899
Oil on canvas, 189 x 139.5cm |
The State Russian Museum |
Children, 1899
Oil on canvas, 71 x 54cm |
The State Russian Museum |
1900-1904 |
Портрет великого князя Михаила Николаевича, 1900
Oil on canvas, 89.5 x 75 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет великого князя Павла Александровича, 1900 Oil on canvas, 166.7 x 149.5 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Mika Morozov. Portrait of Mikhail Mikhailovich Morozov, 1900
Oil on canvas, 62.3 x 70.6cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет И.С.Остроухова, 1902
Oil on canvas, 87.5 x 78.2 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет Михаила Абрамовича Морозова, 1902
Oil on canvas, 216 x 81.5 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Princess Yusupov in his Palace on the Moika, 1902
Oil on canvas,, 181.5 x 133cm |
The State Russian Museum |
Портрет Евдокии Ивановны Лосевой, 1903
Oil on canvas, 99.5 x 114.8 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Portrait of count , 1903
Oil on canvas, 89 x 71.5cm |
The State Russian Museum |
Prince Felix Yusupov
, 1903
Oil on canvas, 89 x 71.5cm |
The State Russian Museum |
1905-1911 |
Портрет М.Н.Ермоловой, 1905
Oil on canvas, 224 x 120 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет Евдокии Сергеевны Морозовой, 1908
Oil on canvas, 116.2 x 77.5 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
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Портрет Николая Степановича Познякова (1879-1943), 1908
Oil on canvas, 84.3 x 101 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Портрет В.О.Гиршмана, 1911
Oil on canvas, 96 x 77.5 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |
Похищение Европы, 1911
Oil on canvas, 71 x 98.7 cm |
the Tretyakov Gallery |