Nationalmuseum, Stockholm |
Country Sweden
Adress Box 16176
103 24 Stockholm
Web site http://www.nationalmuseum.se/
Bonnard, Pierre |
Interior with a Woman in a Wicker Chair , 1920 |
Paul Cézanne
Still Life with Plaster Cupid, 1894-1895 |
Degas, Edgar |
Tree russian dancers, c. 1895 |
Gauguin, Paul |
Landscape from Arles, 1888
Landscape from Bretagne, 1889 |
Gogh, Vincent van |
Blossoming Acacia Branches, June 1890 |
Manet, Édouard |
Young Boy Peeling a Pear, 1869
La Parisienne - Study of Ellen Andree, (Parisian Woman or Dress with Train), 1875 |
Morisot, Berthe |
Woman Picking Flowers, 1879 |
Pissarro, Camille |
Peasant Pushing a Wheelbarrow, Maison Rondest, Pontoise, 1874
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste |
Mother Anthony's Inn at Marlotte, 1866
Pierre-Auguste Renoir. La Grenouill?re, 1869
Conversation, 1878 |
Seurat, Georges |
The Bineau Bridge, 1884 |
Zorn, Anders |
After the Bath, 1894
Midsummer Dance, 1897
The Painter Bruno Liljefors, 1906 |