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Kustodiyev, Boris Mikhailovich (1878-1927)





1900-1903 / 1905-1908 / 1909-1912 / 1913-1915 / 1916-1918 / 1919-1921 / 1922-1927



Портрет А. Н. Протасовой, 1900

Oil on canvas


Portrait of Ivan Bilibin, 1901

Oil on canvas, 142 x 110 cm

The State Russian Museum

Portrait of Vasily Mahté, 1902

Oil on canvas, 125 x 151  cm

The State Russian Museum

Бабы. Этюд к картине Базар в деревне, 1902

Oil on canvas


Портрет Ю. Е. Кустодиевой, 1903

Oil on canvas, 139 x 133,5 cm

The State Russian Museum

Автопортрет (На охоте), 1905

Oil on canvas, 70 x 109 cm 

The State Russian Museum

The Church Parade of the Finnish Life Guards Regiment Russia, 1906 

Oil on canvas, 80,5 x 169 cm

Hermitage Museum

On the Terrace, 1906

Oil on canvas, 134 x 97.5 cm

Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts
At The Fair , 1906

Paper mounted on cardboard, 66.5 x 88.5 cm

the Tretyakov Gallery
Lilacs, 1906

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Портрет священника и дьякона (Священники. На приеме), 1907

Oil on canvas


Портрет Ю.Е. Кустодиевой с дочерью Ириной, 1908

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery
Reading of the Manifest, 1908-1909

Oil on canvas

Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts , Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Children in Mascarade Costumes, 1909

Paper, pastel, 115 x 97 cm

The State Russian Museum

Artist's wife potrait, 1909

Oil on canvas

Promenade Along the Volga, 1909

Oil on canvas

Private collection

In a Chirch Russia, 1910 

Gouache, 63,6 x 31,5 cm

Hermitage Museum

Провинция, 1910

Oil on canvas


На Волге, 1910

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Гулянье, 1910

Oil on canvas


В Тереме (Мой дом), 1910

Oil on canvas

At The Fair, 1910

Oil on canvas

Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts , Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Morning, 1910

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Selfportrait, 1912

Oil on canvas


Merchant Wives, 1912 

Oil on canvas

Museum of Russian Art (Tereshchenko Museum)

Portrait of Nicholas Roerich, 1913

Pastel on cardboard, 60 x 52.5 cm 

The State Russian Museum

Portrait of Yevgeny Lanceray, 1913

Tempera on cardboard, 65,5 x 51 cm 

The State Russian Museum

Frosty Morning, 1913

Oil on canvas


Дети художника, 1913

Oil on canvas


Деревенский праздник, 1914

Oil on canvas

Still Life with Pheasant, 1914

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Portrait of Rene Ivanovna Notgaft, 1914

Oil on canvas, 110 x 82 cm

Private collection
The Harvest, 1914

Oil on canvas, 133 x 133 cm

Private collection

Merchant's Wife, 1915

Oil on canvas, 204 x 109 cm

The State Russian Museum

A Beauty, 1915

Oil on canvas, 141 x 185.5cm

the Tretyakov Gallery
Easter Procession, 1915

Oil on canvas, 20 x 28.5 cm

the Tretyakov Gallery
In the Room. Winter, 1915

Oil on canvas, 71 x 115 cm

Ryazan State Regional Museum of Fine Arts, Ryazan, Russia
Ride. Boris and Yu. Kustodiyevs, 1915

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery

Crepe Week, 1916

Oil on canvas, 62.7 x 125.2 cm

the Tretyakov Gallery

Shrovetide, 1916

Oil on canvas, 89 x 190,5 cm

The State Russian Museum

Фонтанка у Калинкина моста, 1916

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Деревенская масленица (Гармонист), 1916

Oil on canvas

Fireplace (Night), 1916

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Moscow Tavern, 1916

Oil on canvas, 99.3 x 129.3 cm

the Tretyakov Gallery

Fair Booths, 1917

Oil on canvas, 80 x 93 cm

The State Russian Museum

Праздник в деревне, 1917

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Palm Sunday Market near the Saviour Gate on Red Square, Moscow, 1917

Oil on canvas, 80 x 93,5 cm 

The State Russian Museum

Вербный торг у Спасских ворот, 1917

Oil on canvas

Private collection
February 27, 1917

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery

Merchant's Wife at Tea, 1918

Oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm

The State Russian Museum

Зима. Масленичное гулянье, 1918

Oil on canvas

The State Russian Museum
A Merchant, 1918

Oil on canvas

Apartment Museum of Joseph Brodsky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Autumn, 1918

Oil on canvas, 80 x 98 cm

Private collection
Apple Orchard, 1918

Oil on canvas, 70.5 x 124 cm

Tomsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts, Tomsk, Russia

Масленица (Масленичное катание), 1919

Oil on canvas

Shrove-Tide, 1919

Oil on canvas, 71.6 x 98.3 cm

Belarusian National Museum of Fine Arts, Minsk, Belarus

Лыжники, 1919

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Зимний пейзаж, 1919

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Portrait of M.V. Chaliapina, 1919

Oil on canvas

St. Petersburg State Museum of Theater and Music, Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Bolshevik, 1920

Oil on canvas, 101 x 140.5cm

the Tretyakov Gallery

Купчиха на балконе, 1920

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Встреча на углу, 1920

Oil on canvas


Булочник, 1920

Oil on canvas

Mercahnt's Wife with Purchases, 1920

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery
The Merchant's Wife at Tea, 1920

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Merchant's Woman with a Mirror, 1920

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Shrovetide, 1920

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery
Trinity Day,  1920

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Купанье, 1921

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery

Festivities in Honour of the Second Comintern Congress on 19 July 1920. Demonstration on Uritsky Square (now Palace Square), 1921

Oil on canvas, 133 x 268 cm

The State Russian Museum

У витрины, 1921

Oil on canvas


Зима. Крещенское водосвятие, 1921

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Весна, 1921

Oil on canvas

Private collection
By Window, 1921

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Portrait of Fyodor Chaliapin, 1922

Oil on canvas, 99 x 80 cm

The State Russian Museum

В базарный день, 1922

Oil on canvas

Private collection
On the Volga, 1922

Oil on canvas 

Private collection
Summer, 1922

Oil on canvas 

the Tretyakov Gallery
Portrait of I. Zolotarevsky, 1922

Oil on canvas 

the Tretyakov Gallery

Купец-сундучник, 1923

Oil on canvas

Portrait of Maximilian Voloshin, 1924

Oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm

State Literature Museum, Moscow, Russian

Russian Venus, 1926

Oil on canvas

Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts
Autumn in the province. Teatime, 1926

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Portrait of I.B. Kustodieva, daughter of the artist, 1926

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Peter Kapitza, 1926

Oil on canvas, 107.9 x 90.5 cm

Fitzwilliam Museum

Октябрь в Петрограде, 1927

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery


Oil on canvas

Private collection

At the Old Suzdal

Oil on canvas

the Tretyakov Gallery

Portrait of E.Kustodieva, Artist's Mother

Oil on canvas

Private collection


Index of pictures