1895 |
Woman Sewing, 1895
Oil on canvas, 65.4 x 54.4 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago |
Snowy landscape at Eragny with an apple tree, 1895
Oil on canvas, 38.2 x 46.2 cm |
Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge |
Bather in the Woods, 1895
Oil on canvas, 60.3 x 73 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Poplars, Eragny, 1895
Oil on canvas, 92.7 x 64.8 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Morning Sunlight On The Snow, Eragny Sur Epte, 1895
Oil on canvas, 82.3 x 61.6 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston |
Autumn in 3ò4ragny, 1895
Oil on canvas, 38 x 46 cm |
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo |
The Bather, 1895
Oil on canvas, 35.3 x 27.3 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Femme nue de dos dans un intérieur , 1895
Oil on canvas , 41.5 x 33.3 cm |
Private collection |
Bathers, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Flowering Apple Trees, Eragny , 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Haymaking, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Mother Lucien's Yard, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Garden at Eragny, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Effect of Snow, Sunset, Eragny, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Woman Putting on Her Stockings, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
White Frost at Eragny, 1895
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Peasants Chatting in the Farmyard, Eragny, 1895-1902
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
1896 |
The Pont Boieldieu at Sunset, 1896
Oil on canvas, 74.2 x 92.5 cm |
Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery |
Morning, An Overcast Day, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 54.3 x 65.1 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Steamboats in the Port of Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 45.7 x 54.6 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Port de Rouen, Saint-Sever, 1896
Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 92 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
The Boïeldieu Bridge in Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm
Musée d'Orsay |
The Stone Bridge in Rouen, Dull Weather, 1896
Oil on canvas, 66.1 x 91.5 cm |
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa |
Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather, 1896
Oil on canvas, 73.6 x 91.4 cm |
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto |
Le Grand Pont, Rouen (The Great Bridge, Rouen) , 1896
Oil on canvas,74 x 92 cm |
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
Misty Morning, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 57.1 x 73.5 cm |
Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland |
Le Pont Boieldieu à Rouen, soleil couchant, temps brumeux, 1896
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Musee des Beaux-Arts de Rouen |
The Saint-Sever Bridge, Rouen: Mist, 1896
Oil on canvas, 60.3 x 87.0 cm |
North Carolina Museum of Art |
The Orchard at 3ò4ragny, 1896
Oil on canvas, 54.6 x 65.4 cm |
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid |
Apr?s-midi, soleil, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas , 55 x 65.8 cm |
Private collection |
Port à Rouen , 1896
Oil on canvas , 50.2 x 60.7 cm |
Private collection |
Femme en chemise, pr?s d'un lit , 1896
Oil on canvas , 40.9 x 33 cm |
Private collection |
Apple Trees, Sunset, Eragny, 1896
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Bathers, 1896
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Enclosed Field at Eragny, 1896
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Fog, Morning, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 50 x 61 cm |
Private collection |
Morning, Rouen, the Quays, 1896
Oil on canvas, 50 x 61 cm |
Private collection |
Morning, after the Rain, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 60 x 82 cm |
Private collection |
Quay in Rouen: Sunset, 1896
Oil on canvas, 45 x 55 cm |
Private collection |
The Pont Corneille , Rouen: Morning Mist, 1896
Oil on canvas, 72 x 93 cm |
Private collection |
The Pont Corneille , Rouen: Morning Effect,1896
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92.1 cm |
Private collection |
The Pont Boieldieu , Rouen: Rain Effect, 1896
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm |
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (Germany) |
The Saint-Sever Quay, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm |
Private collection |
The Roofs of Old Rouen: Grey Weather ,1896
Oil on canvas, 72.3 x 91.4 cm |
Toledo Museum of Art |
The Seine in Flood, Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 55 x 65.5 cm |
Private collection |
Unloading Wood at Rouen, 1896
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65.5 cm |
Private collection |
The Young Maid, 1896
Oil on canvas, 61 x 50 cm |
Private collection |
1897 |
Place du Theatre Francais: Fog Effect, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54.293 x 66.04 cm |
Dallas Museum of Art, Texas |
Boulevard Monmartre in Paris, 1897
Oil on canvas, 74 x 92.8 cm
Hermitage Museum |
The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning, 1897
Oil on canvas, 64.8 x 81.3 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA |
Soleil du matin, automne, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54.5 x 65 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
Paysage à Eragny, 1897
Oil on canvas, 60 x 73.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
Autumn morning at Eragny, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow |
The Boulevard Montmartre at Night, 1897
Oil on canvas, 53.3 x 64.8 cm |
National Gallery, London |
Boulevard des Italiens, Morning, Sunlight, 1897
Oil on canvas, 73.2 x 92.1 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Bath Road, London, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford, UK |
The Boulevard Montmartre, Mardi Gras, 1897
Oil on canvas |
Armand Hammer Museum of Art at UCLA |
Boulevard Montmartre, morning, cloudy weather, 1897
Oil on canvas, 73.0 x 92.0 cm |
National Gallery of Victoria, Australia |
Rue Saint-Lazare, 1897
Oil on canvas, 35 x 27 cm |
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund |
Rue Saint-Honoré in the Afternoon. Effect of Rain, 1897
Oil on canvas, 81 x 65 cm |
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid |
Stamford Brook Common, London , 1897
Oil on canvas , 54 x 65.1cm |
Private collection |
Children in a Garden at Eragny, 1897
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Sunset, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Spring Rain, 1897
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Spring, 1897
Oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Spring, 1897
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Morning, Sunlight and Mist, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54 x 66 cm |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Foggy Morning, 1897
Oil on canvas, 55 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
Boulevard Montmartre: Afternoon, in the Rain (also known as Boulevard Montmartre: Apres-midi, temps de pluie), 1897
Oil on canvas, 52.5 x 66 cm |
Private collection |
Boulevard des Italiens: Afternoon, 1897
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm |
Private collection |
Eragny Landscape, Le Pre, 1897
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Jubilie Celebration at Bedford Park, London , 1897
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Mardi-Gras, Sunset, Boulevard Montmartre, 1897
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Kunstmuseum Winterthur |
Portrait of Jeanne in a Pink Robe , 1897
Oil on canvas, 47 x 28 cm |
Private collection |
Place du Havre, Paris; Rain, 1897
Oil on canvas, 33 x 41 cm |
Private collection |
Rue Saint-Lazar under Snow, 1897
Oil on canvas, 27 x 35 cm |
Private collection |
Rue Saint-Lazare, 1897
Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm |
Private collection |
The Train, Bedford Park, 1897
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Two Women in a Meadow: Sunset at Eragny, 1897
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
View of Paris, Rue d'Amsterdam, 1897
Oil on canvas, 35 x 27 cm |
Private collection |
1898 |
Self Portrait, 1898
Oil on canvas, 53.023 x 30.48 cm |
Dallas Museum of Art, Texas |
Eragny, a Rainy Day in June, 1898
Oil on canvas, 66.7 x 82.7 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago |
Place du Theatre-Francais. Spring, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 81.5 cm
Hermitage Museum |
, 1898.jpg) |
Rue de l'3ò4picerie, Rouen (Effect of Sunlight), 1898
Oil on canvas, 81.3 x 65.1 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
LàAvenue de làOpera, Snow, Morning, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow |
The Artist's Garden at Eragny, 1898
Oil on canvas, 73.4 x 92.1 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Sunset, the Port of Rouen (Steamboats), 1898
Oil on canvas, 65.0 x 81.1 cm |
National Museum of Wales, Cardiff |
Port of Rouen: Unloading Wood , 1898
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92.1 cm |
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown |
La Place du Théàtre Français, 1898
Oil on canvas, 72.39 x 92.71 cm |
Los Angeles County Museum of Art |
Place du Théàtre Français, Paris: Rain, 1898
Oil on canvas, 73.66 x 91.44 cm |
Minneapolis Institute of Arts |
Morning Sun in the Rue Saint-Honoré, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 54 cm |
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund |
La laveuse , 1898
Oil on canvas laid down on board , 27 x 20.6 cm |
Private collection |
Le Cours-La-Reine à Rouen, matin, soleil , 1898
Oil on canvas , 65 x 81 cm |
Private collection |
Le Cours-la-Reine à Rouen, temps gris, 1898
Oil on canvas , 54 x 65.1 cm |
Private collection |
Leveuses à Eragny , 1898
Oil on canvas , 38 x 46 cm |
Private collection |
Le Pont BoSèeldieu et la gare d'Orléans, Rouen, matin, cinq heures , 1898
Oil on canvas , 64.4 x 80.5 cm |
Private collection |
Boats, Sunset, Rouen, 1898
Oil on canvas , 54 x 66 cm |
Private collection |
Avenue de l'Opera: Sunshine Winter Morning, 1898
Oil on canvas, 73 x 91.8 cm |
Musee des Beaux-Arts - Reims |
Avenue de l'Opera: Snow Effect, 1898
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
Avenue de l'Opera: Rain Effect, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 83 cm |
Private collection |
Avenue de l'Opera, Place du Thretre Francais: Misty Weather, 1898
Oil on canvas, 74 x 91.5 cm |
Private collection |
Avenue de l'Opera: Morning Sunshine, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Private collection |
Mother Lucien's Field at Eragny, 1898
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
Morning, Flowering Apple Trees, Eragny, 1898
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Paul Painting, Study, 1898
Oil on canvas, 55.25 x 46.36 cm |
Private collection |
Place du Thretre Francais: Sun Effect, 1898
Oil on canvas, 75 x 94 cm |
National Museum - Belgrade (Serbia) |
Place du Theatre Francais: Afternoon Sun in Winter, 1898
Oil on canvas , 73 x 92 cm |
Private collection |
Rue Saint Honore: Sun Effect, Afternoon,1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm |
Private collection |
Rue de l'Eppicerie, Rouen: Morning, Grey Weather, 1898
Oil on canvas, 81 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
Rouen, Saint-Sever: Morning, 1898
Oil on canvas , 63.5 x 79.4 cm |
Honolulu Academy of Arts |
Rouen, Saint-Sever: Afternoon, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Private collection |
Rouen, Fog Effect , 1898
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Sunset, Rouen, 1898
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
Sunrise, Rouen, 1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Private collection |
Sunlight, Afternoon, La Rue de l'Epicerie, Rouen, 1898
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Docks, Rouen: Afternoon,1898
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Private collection |
The Cours-la-Riene, The Notre-Dame Cathedral, Rouen, 1898
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Private collection |
View of the Cotton Mill at Oissel, near Rouen, 1898
Oil on canvas,65.3 x 81 cm |
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal |