1916 |
Portrait of Madame Guerin, 1916-1917
Distemper on paper mounted on canvas, 200.7 x 121.9 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago |
1917 |
The Small Drawing-Room: Mme Hessel at Her Sewing Table, 1917
Oil and gum tempera on paper, glued to canvas, 50.8 x 76.2 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Madame Henri Vaquez, 1917
Oil on canvas, 110 x 200 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
L'interrogatoire du prisonnier, 1917
Oil on canvas |
Lieu de Conservation : Musée d'histoire contemporaine / BDIC (Paris) |
Sacha Guitry and Yvonne Printemps,1917
Oil on canvas , 63 x 89 cm |
Museu de Arte Moderna |
Le banc, Square Vintimille , 1917-1918
Peinture à la colle on paper laid down on canvas , 65.1 x 54 cm |
Private collection |
La chapelle du chàteau de Versailles, 1917-1919
Paint the glue on paper mounted on canvas, 96 x 66 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
1918 |
Foliage3ƒ4Oak Tree and Fruit Seller, 1918
Distemper on canvas, 193 x 283.2 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago |
1919 |
Studio Interior, Model for the Scenery of 'La Lepreuse', 1919
Oil on canvas, 63.2 x 100 cm |
Private collection |
Tulips and Statuettes, 1919
Oil on canvas, 63.2 x 50.8 cm |
Private collection |
Genevi?ve Bernheim de Villers, 1919-1920
Paint the glue on canvas, 111.5 x 97.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
1920 |
Garden at Vaucresson, 1920; reworked 1926, 1935, 1936
Distemper on canvas, 151.2 x 110.8 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Henri-Xavier Fontaine, 1920
Paint the glue on canvas, 84.5 x 81 cm |
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille, France |
Sunlit Interior, c. 1920
Distemper on paper laid on canvas, 83.2 x 63.8 cm |
Tate Gallery, London |
The Sunny Room, c. 1920
Oil on canvas, 46.4 x 53.3 cm |
Minneapolis Institute of Arts |
Portrait of Madame La Fontaine, 1923
Temple on canvas, 130 x 97 cm |
Biblioteca Luis ?ngel Arango, Colombia |
Madame Prosper Emile Weil at her desk, 1923
Pastel and distemper on paper mounted on board, 59.5 x 52.5 cm |
Art Gallery of New South Wales |
Madame André Wormser and her Children, 1926-1927
Oil on canvas, 89.2 x 116.5 cm |
National Gallery, London |
Interior with Paintings and a Pheasant, 1928
Tempera and pastel on canvas, 84.5 x 104.8 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Madame Adrien Bénard, 1928-1929
Paint the glue on canvas, 119 x 106 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
Antoinette David-Weill et son neveu Maurice Lambiotte à Mareil-le-Guyon, projet, 1928-1930
Paint glue and pastel on paper, 148 x 146 cm |
Musée d'art et d'industrie André Diligent - La Piscine, Roubaix, France |
La comtesse Marie-Blanche de Polignac, 1928-1932
Oil on canvas, 116 x 89.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
1930s |
Madame Hessel dans sa chambre au Chàteau des Clayes , c. 1930-1935
Oil on panel , 41.1 x 32.8 cm |
Private collection |
Réflexions dans le mirroir au-dessus de la cheminée , c. 1930-1935
Distemper on paper laid down on canvas , 47.8 x 50.5 cm |
Private collection |
The Visit, 1931
Mixed media on canvas, 99.6 x 136 cm |
National Gallery of Art (USA) |
Vuillard's Room at the Chàteau des Clayes, c. 1932
Distemper on paper, mounted on canvas, 77.8 x 100.2 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago |
Aux Clayes, géranium sur une table , 1932
Oil on canvas , 92 x 53.3 cm |
Private collection |
Le vieil arbre, 1932-1935
Paint the glue on paper, 72 x 113 cm |
Musée d'Allard, Montbrison, France |
Le chàteau d'eau, 1932-1938
Paint glue and pastel on paper, glued on cardboard, 101 x 66 cm |
Musée départemental du Prieuré, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France |
Jeanne Lanvin , 1933
Paint the glue on canvas, 124,5 x 136.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
La lecture dans le petit salon des Clayes, 1935
Paint the glue on paper, 119 x 97 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
André Bénac, 1936
Oil on fabric, 124.00 x 96.80 cm |
The Cleveland Museum of Art |
Le docteur Louis Viau, 1936-1937
Paint the glue on canvas, 88 x 81 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
Le concert matinal, place Vintimille , 1937-1938
Peinture à la colle on paper laid down on canvas , 85.1 x 98.7 cm |
Private collection |
The blue inkstand on the mantelshelf
Oil on brown paper laid on panel, 33.6 x 40.6 cm |
Norwich Museums |