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Berthe Morisot (1841 - 1895)





1884 / 1885 / 1886 / 1887 / 1888 / 1889 / 1890


Young Woman with a Straw Hat, 1884
Oil on canvas, 55.5 x 46.7 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
The Garden at Bougival, 1884
Oil on canvas
Musée Marmottan Monet
Rose Garden, 1884
Oil on canvas
Musée Marmottan Monet
The Artist's Daughter, Julie, with her Nanny, c. 1884
Oil on canvas, 57.15 x 71.12 cm
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Girl Sewing in a Garden, 1884
Oil on canvas, 60.00 x 73.40 cm
National Galleries of Scotland
Miss Reynolds, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
In the Garden at Maurecourt, 1884
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm
Toledo Museum of Art
Portrait of Paule Gobillard, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
On the Veranda, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
On the Lake in the Bois de Boulogne, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
On the Lake, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Seine at Bougival, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Young Girl with Doll, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Willows in the Garden at Bougival, 1884
Oil on canvas
Private collection

For?t de Compi?gne, 1885

Oil on canvas, 54.2 x 64.8 cm

Art Institute of Chicago
White Flowers In A Bowl, 1885

Oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Girl on a Divan , c. 1885

Oil on canvas, 61 x 50.2 cm

Tate Gallery, London
The Red Jacket. Mlle Isabelle Lambert, 1885
Oil on canvas , 74 x 60 cm
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund
A Corner of the Rose Garden, 1885
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm
Private collection
Daffodils, 1885
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
Little Dancer, 1885
Oil on canvas
Private collection
In the Garden, 1885
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Goose, 1885
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Cage, 1885
Oil on canvas, 50.5 x 37.7 cm
National Museum of Women in the Arts (United States)
The Basket Chair, 1885
Oil on canvas
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Woman Wearing Gloves, 1885
Oil on canvas
Private collection

Getting Up, 1885-1886

Oil on canvas

Private collection
The Bath, 1885-1886

Oil on canvas

Clark Art Institute, Williamstown
In the Dining Room, 1886
Oil on canvas, 61.3 x 50 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Interior of a Cottage, 1886
Oil on canvas, 50.48 x 61.6 cm
Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels. Fritz Toussaint Collection
Paule Gobillard Painting, 1886
Oil on canvas
Musée Marmottan Monet
Children with a Bowl, 1886
Oil on canvas
Musée Marmottan Monet
Child with a Red Apron , 1886
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
Little Girl with a Doll, 1886
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Little Maid Servant, 1886
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Lesson in the Garden, 1886
Oil on canvas
Private collection

Young Woman Leaning on Her Elbow , 1887

Oil on canvas

Private collection

Louise Riesener, 1888

Oil on canvas, 73.5 x 92.5 cm

Musée d'Orsay
Reading, 1888

Oil on canvas, 74.29 x 92.71 cm

Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida
Julie Listening, 1888

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Jeannie's Head, 1888

Oil on canvas, 33.02 x14.75 cm

Private collection
The Blue Vase, 1888

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Young Girl and the Budgie, 1888

Oil on canvas

Private collection
Girl in a Boat with Geese, c. 1889
Oil on canvas, 65.4 x 54.6 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Madame Albine Sermicoli in the Studio, 1889
Oil on canvas, 60 x 73 cm
E.G. BZhrle Collection, Zurich
On a Bench, 1889
Oil on canvas, 90 x 81 cm
Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, France
The Orange Picker, 1889
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Mandolin, 1889
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Little Girl from Nice, Celestine, 1889
Oil on canvas
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lyons
Young Woman Picking Oranges, 1889
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Artist's Daughter with a Parakeet, 1890
Oil on canvas, 65.6 x 52.1 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Bust of Alice Gamby, 1890
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Before the Mirror, 1890
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Girl Playing the Mandolin, 1890
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Julie Manet with a Budgie, 1890
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Flageolet , 1890
Oil on canvas
Private collection
The Bowl of Milk, 1890
Oil on canvas
Private collection


Index of pictures