1884 |
Young Woman with a Straw Hat, 1884
Oil on canvas, 55.5 x 46.7 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
The Garden at Bougival, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Musée Marmottan Monet |
Rose Garden, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Musée Marmottan Monet |
The Artist's Daughter, Julie, with her Nanny, c. 1884
Oil on canvas, 57.15 x 71.12 cm |
Minneapolis Institute of Arts |
Girl Sewing in a Garden, 1884
Oil on canvas, 60.00 x 73.40 cm |
National Galleries of Scotland |
Miss Reynolds, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
In the Garden at Maurecourt, 1884
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Toledo Museum of Art |
Portrait of Paule Gobillard, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
On the Veranda, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
On the Lake in the Bois de Boulogne, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
On the Lake, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Seine at Bougival, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Young Girl with Doll, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Willows in the Garden at Bougival, 1884
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
1885 |
For?t de Compi?gne, 1885
Oil on canvas, 54.2 x 64.8 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago |
White Flowers In A Bowl, 1885
Oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston |
Girl on a Divan , c. 1885
Oil on canvas, 61 x 50.2 cm |
Tate Gallery, London |
The Red Jacket. Mlle Isabelle Lambert, 1885
Oil on canvas , 74 x 60 cm |
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund |
A Corner of the Rose Garden, 1885
Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm |
Private collection |
Daffodils, 1885
Oil on canvas |
Private Collection |
Little Dancer, 1885
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
In the Garden, 1885
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Goose, 1885
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Cage, 1885
Oil on canvas, 50.5 x 37.7 cm |
National Museum of Women in the Arts (United States) |
The Basket Chair, 1885
Oil on canvas |
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston |
Woman Wearing Gloves, 1885
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Getting Up, 1885-1886
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Bath, 1885-1886
Oil on canvas |
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown |
1886 |
In the Dining Room, 1886
Oil on canvas, 61.3 x 50 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Interior of a Cottage, 1886
Oil on canvas, 50.48 x 61.6 cm |
Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels. Fritz Toussaint Collection |
Paule Gobillard Painting, 1886
Oil on canvas |
Musée Marmottan Monet |
Children with a Bowl, 1886
Oil on canvas |
Musée Marmottan Monet |
Child with a Red Apron , 1886
Oil on canvas |
Private Collection |
Little Girl with a Doll, 1886
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Little Maid Servant, 1886
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Lesson in the Garden, 1886
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
1887 |
Young Woman Leaning on Her Elbow , 1887
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
1888 |
Louise Riesener, 1888
Oil on canvas, 73.5 x 92.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay |
Reading, 1888
Oil on canvas, 74.29 x 92.71 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida |
Julie Listening, 1888
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Jeannie's Head, 1888
Oil on canvas, 33.02 x14.75 cm |
Private collection |
The Blue Vase, 1888
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Young Girl and the Budgie, 1888
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
1889 |
Girl in a Boat with Geese, c. 1889
Oil on canvas, 65.4 x 54.6 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Madame Albine Sermicoli in the Studio, 1889
Oil on canvas, 60 x 73 cm |
E.G. BZhrle Collection, Zurich |
On a Bench, 1889
Oil on canvas, 90 x 81 cm |
Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, France |
The Orange Picker, 1889
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Mandolin, 1889
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Little Girl from Nice, Celestine, 1889
Oil on canvas |
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lyons |
Young Woman Picking Oranges, 1889
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
1890 |
The Artist's Daughter with a Parakeet, 1890
Oil on canvas, 65.6 x 52.1 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Bust of Alice Gamby, 1890
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Before the Mirror, 1890
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Girl Playing the Mandolin, 1890
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
Julie Manet with a Budgie, 1890
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Flageolet , 1890
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |
The Bowl of Milk, 1890
Oil on canvas |
Private collection |