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Berthe Morisot (1841 - 1895)





1841 14 January  Birth of Berthe-Marie-Pauline Morisot at Bourges (Cher), third daughter of Marie-Joséphine  Cornélie Thomas and Edme Tiburce Morisot. Her mother's family is from Toulouse; her  father, son of an architect, is prefect of Cher.  

1852-55 Her father is named prefect of l'Ille-et-Vilaine. The family moves permanently to Paris and  lives in rue des Moulins (now rue Scheffer) in Passy, a western suburb of Paris.

 1860 Studies under Corot

1864 Morisot's first appearance in the Salon de Paris with the acceptance of two of her landscape paintings.

1868 Morisot is introduced by Fantin-Latour  to artist Edouard Manet and soon became his pupil.

1874 Exhibits at the first Impressionist Exhibition. On December 22, 1874 Morisot marries Manet (Manet's brother, Eugene) in the local church, Our Lady of Grace in Passy.

1876 Exhibits at the second Impressionist Exhibition

1877 Exhibits at the third Impressionist Exhibition

1878 Daughter Julie is born

1880 Exhibits at the fifth Impressionist Exhibition

1881 Exhibits at the sixth Impressionist Exhibition

1882 Exhibits at the 7th Impressionist Exhibition

1886 Exhibits at the last Impressionist Exhibition

1892 Husband dies. Following the death of her husband Berthe Morisot leaves the family home on the rue de Villejust and moves with her daughter, Julie, to an apartment at 10 rue Weber.

1892 Dies 2 March of pneumonia in Paris and was interred in the Cimeti?re de Passy.


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